
Our History

Ngurah Rai University Denpasar (UNR) was founded by the Jagadhita Denpasar Foundation as the Legal Entity Organizer, on May 23, 1979. As the 2nd oldest university in Bali even in LLDikti Region VIII (covering Bali, NTB and NTT).

Ngurah Rai University when it was founded consisted of 4 Faculties and 6 study programs (prodi) Strata 1 namely:

  1. Faculty of Engineering (Civil Engineering & Architecture Study Program);
  2. Faculty of Economics (Management Science and Development Economics Study Program);
  3. Faculty of Law (Law Study Program);
  4. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences/Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Public Administration Study Program)

Over time and the increasing development of Ngurah Rai University and the high demand from the community to improve and continue higher education, in 2008 Ngurah Rai University opened a Postgraduate Program for the Strata 2 (Masters) program with one study program, namely the Master of Public Administration (MAP) and continued by opening a Master of Law (MH) study program in 2014.

Ngurah Rai University currently consists of 4 Faculties and 7 study programs (prodi), namely:

  1. Faculty of Science and Technology (Civil Engineering & Architecture Study Program);
  2. Faculty of Economics and Business (Management Study Program);
  3. Faculty of Law (Law Study Program);
  4. Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (Public Administration Study Program)
  5. Postgraduate Program consisting of the Master of Public Administration Study Program (MAP) and the Master of Law Study Program (MH).

Ngurah Rai University in 2017 has been ACCREDITED with a B rating from BAN-PT (National Accreditation Board for Higher Education) based on BAN-PT Decree Number: 1393/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/PT/V/2017.

In October, 2022, Ngurah Rai University achieved Accreditation with a Very Good predicate based on the Decree of the Director of the Executive Board of BAN-PT No. 1635/SK/BAN-PT/Ak/PT/X/2022.

The Civil Engineering Study Program, Architecture Study Program, and Public Administration Study Program have ACCREDITED STATUS with a B rating from BAN-PT (National Accreditation Board for Higher Education), the Management Study Program has ACCREDITED STATUS with a Very Good rating based on the LAMEMBA decision, and the Law Study Program has been accredited with an A rating from BAN-PT and has an OPERATIONAL PERMIT from the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The UNR main campus occupies an area of ​​2.4 hectares with the division of the area in the form of a ceremonial field, parking lot and a large and comfortable garden. FH occupies a 3-story building (5 classes), FEB a 4-story building (9 classes), FISHUM a 3-story building (5 classes) and FST in a different building unit (6 classes). The Postgraduate Program occupies a new 4-story building which is very comfortable with a total of 14 classes. The head office (University) occupies a magnificent Multipurpose Building (2 floors). Other building facilities are library, Investment Gallery, Business Incubator, laboratory (concrete, road materials and computers), student activity unit room etc. Sports facilities available on campus are tennis court, badminton court, volleyball court, basketball court, futsal area, billiard table and table tennis.

In the future, UNR is pioneering the implementation of new study programs and postgraduate programs to accommodate the interests of the community and its alumni which are so large.